
Students wishing to complete post-basic certificate requirements should contact the ECEC department directly.

Course offerings vary from year to year. Check Generate a Timetable for available course offerings.

ECEC 110 (3) Child Development I

An examination of developmental theories explaining human growth from conception to early childhood. Explores current research in developmental research. Addresses the image of the child in society and the influence of family and culture on children's growth. Application of theoretical knowledge to early childhood practice is emphasized. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: None.

ECEC 111 (3) Child Development II

This course builds on the knowledge gained in Child Development I. It examines developmental perspectives that explain growth and development from early childhood through adolescence. All developmental domains and integration of cultural knowledge will be studied. Credit will only be granted for one of PSYC 132,CYC 112 or ECEC 111. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: ECEC 110 or equivalent; or permission of the instructor.

ECEC 120 (3) Principles and Practices of Guiding and Caring

An introduction to guidance and discipline principles and practices that support the development of emotionally and physically secure environments for young children. Topics include: proactive guidance strategies, strength-based intervention approaches, basic policy and regulation regarding the guidance of children, and theoretical approaches to guiding and caring. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: Admission to program or permission of instructor.

ECEC 130 (3) Principles and Practices of Wellness

An introduction to the principles and practices of health, safety, effective care routines, and nutrition that promote the wellness of young children. Topics include health promotion, appropriate ways of responding to common childhood conditions and child abuse, and the formation of effective partnerships with families as it pertains to wellness. ECEC 130 was formerly called ECEC 121; credit will not be granted for both courses. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: Admission to program or permission of instructor.

ECEC 133 (3) Practicum I

An opportunity for direct observation and experience with young children in a licensed child care facility, usually two mornings per week in an assigned practicum placement. ECEC 133 was formerly called ECEC 133T; credit will not be granted for both courses. (0:2:0 -120)

Prerequisite: ECEC 120, ECEC 170, and one of ECEC 110, PSYC 131, CYC 111, CYCL 111, or equivalent (any of which may be taken concurrently).

ECEC 134 (3) Practicum II

A continuation of ECEC 133, providing practical experience in working with young children in a licensed child care facility. Students will usually spend 1 1/2 days per week in an assigned practicum placement during the semester. ECEC 134 was formerly called ECEC 134T; credit will not be granted for both courses. (0:2:0 -180)

Prerequisite: ECEC 133.

ECEC 150 (3) Interpersonal Communication: Theory and Practice

An introduction to the theory and skills of effective interpersonal communication. Topics include: self-awareness; dynamics of communication; importance of relationship; group process; and active listening to support others. The course emphasizes using active listening skills in various contexts with an emphasis on supporting children and families in early childhood settings. ECEC 150 was formerly called CYC 252A; credit will not be granted for both courses. Credit will only be granted for one of CYC 152 or ECEC 150. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: None.

ECEC 170 (3) Program Planning: Development Through Play

An introduction to the central role of play in early childhood environments, emphasizing developmentally appropriate and holistic practice that honours diversity and promotes inclusion. Topics include: defining play; benefits of play; observing and analyzing children's play; designing play environments and the educator's role in supporting and facilitating play. ECEC 170 was formerly called ECEC 140; credit will not be granted for both courses. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: Admission to program.

ECEC 171 (3) Program Planning: Creative Expression

This course builds on concepts and theories explored in ECEC 170 with an emphasis on supporting and facilitating development of children's language and creative expression within a community context. Topics include: planning, implementing, and evaluating experiences for children; supporting language and dramatic play, children's literature, visual arts, music, and movement. ECEC 171 was formerly called ECEC 141; credit will not be granted for both courses. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: ECEC 170.

ECEC 200 (3) Roots and Trends of Canadian Early Childhood Education Practice

An overview of and introduction to Early Childhood Education and Care. Topics include: history and traditions of Canadian early childhood care, how contemporary trends and issues influence child care, and the determinants of quality child care. ECEC 200 was formerly called ECEC 100; credit will not be granted for both courses. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: Admission to program or permission of instructor.

ECEC 204 (3) Program Planning: Discovering Our World

This course consolidates concepts and theories introduced in ECEC 170 and ECEC 171 with an emphasis on supporting children's development in the areas of science and mathematics. Topics include: the role of documentation; implementing and evaluating experiences that support and expand mathematical abilities; and exploration of the natural and physical environment. ECEC 204 was formerly called ECEC 172; credit will not be granted for both courses. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: ECEC 170 and ECEC 171.

ECEC 205 (3) Practicum III

An opportunity to become involved in all aspects of a child care program in a licensed child care facility, gradually assuming the roles and responsibilities of an early childhood educator. Usually over a five week period on a full time basis. ECEC 205 was formerly called ECEC 135; credit will not be granted for both courses. (0:2:0 -200 for 5 weeks)

Prerequisite: ECEC 134.

ECEC 210 (3) Special Topics Practicum - Community Pathways

An opportunity for practical experience in a non-licensed program within the early years sector. This course does not meet the requirements for ECE Registry certification; however, it can be applied for credit towards a Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care from Vancouver Island University. (0:1.5:0 -200)

Prerequisite: Completion of first-year ECEC courses or permission of program Chair.

ECEC 211 (3) Early Childhood Program Administration

An introduction to the roles and tasks of an administrator of child care settings. Topics include: regulatory, non-regulatory, and ethical frameworks; effective policies; financial and personnel management; effective teams; family centred care; program planning and evaluation; community networking and advocacy. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: First two semesters of ECEC.

ECEC 221 (3) Assessing and Supporting Healthy Early Development

An investigation of the cognitive, perceptual, emotional, language, and personality development of infants and toddlers. Topics include the central role of family, an in-depth examination of the key components of care and risk factors during the prenatal, neonatal, infancy, and toddlerhood periods, and the impact of exceptionality on development. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: ECEC 120 and ECEC 130; and one of PSYC 131, CYC 111, ECEC 110 or permission of Department Chair.

ECEC 222 (3) Program Development for Children with Diverse Abilities

An exploration of ways to provide for children with diverse abilities within inclusive early childhood settings. Topics include individual planning; philosophical and legislative issues impacting the education of children requiring extra supports; steps involved in developing and implementing effective, engaging, and culturally sensitive learning environments; and characteristics of collaborative teams. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: ECEC 135, ECEC 172, ECEC 221, and ECEC 270.

ECEC 223 (3) Program Development for Infants and Toddlers

An examination of developmentally appropriate practices and curriculum for infants and toddlers in early childhood settings. Topics include provision of safe, healthy, supportive environments; flexible care routines; record keeping; family centred care; community-based supports for infants and toddlers; and planning appropriate experiences. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: ECEC 135 and ECEC 172, and pre- or co-requisite ECEC 221 and ECEC 270.

ECEC 224 (3) Practicum IV - Infants and Toddlers

An opportunity for observation and practical experience with children under age three in an infant/toddler childcare setting. ECEC 224 was formerly called ECEC 224T; credit will not be granted for both courses. (0:2:0 -180 for 6 weeks)

Prerequisite: ECEC 223 or permission of instructor.

ECEC 231 (3) Practicum V - Children with Diverse Abilities

A practical study opportunity in an inclusive early childhood setting with young children who have diverse abilities, in partnership with field mentors. Topics include the practical application of developing and implementing sound ethical and professional practices, and the demonstration of competent inclusive play-based program planning. ECEC 231 was formerly called ECEC 231T; credit will not be granted for both courses. (0:2:0 -180 for 6 weeks)

Prerequisite: ECEC 222 or permission of instructor.

ECEC 270 (3) Trends and Models in Early Childhood

An investigation of a variety of philosophical approaches to programming. This course will also focus on current issues and trends related to program planning and implementation in the context of early childhood education, and provide opportunity for refining personal values and beliefs as they apply to program planning and implementation. ECEC 270 was formerly called ECEC 142; credit will not be granted for both courses. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: ECEC 120, ECEC 130, ECEC 170, ECEC 171, and ECEC 172.